Sunday, 18 November 2012

She's out of my league-review

She's out of my league is a rom-com. This film is about an average guy, who meets the 'perfect' woman. However he doesn't have the confidence to see that she is just as into him as he is into her.Here is the trailer for She's out of my league.

She's out of my league stars Jay Brachial and Alice Eve who plays Kirk and Molly. So how can a 10 go for a 5?  Kirk has no self confidence and for Kirk this has affected his relationships previously as well as with his relationship with Molly. This makes the viewers create a soft spot for Kirk as we want him to find confidence within himself and realise that he's not the hard 5 that he makes himself out to be even though he never went to collage, works in airport security and drives a Nissan. Kirk plays the sensitive guy that just wants to do the right thing, without trying to impress anyone. We are humoured by his acts of kindness, such as being mistaken for a waiter whilst out with Molly which makes her fall for him even more. 

This film helps us all to appreciate the people we normally turn our noses up at and pay no interest in as whilst watching this film we realise that they are really 10's and not 5's as they make themselves out to be. We begin to realise that visual no one can be perfect which is how Molly is made out to be, this helps us to appreciate the little 'defects' that everyone has that makes us all far from being the 'perfect' human being we all strive to be. 

Whilst watching this film i was thinking about different ways i could incorporate some of the different shot types and camera angles into my own film. There was a scene where there was a series of close ups on Kirk and his brothers eyes which created a tense atmosphere by switching between the two different close ups. This is something i would like to incorporate in my film as i found that it had a good effect on showing tension between to different sides, as well as demonstrating the rivalry between the two different sides. Here is the clip which demonstrates this:

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